Weekends are KILLING YOU and your Dreams!

A perspective shift on 'time off' that will change your life forever.

Ask anyone who knows me what my favorite day of the week is, they’ll laugh and tell you Monday.

I’m not joking about it either. I just had a conversation with a buddy about getting a custom Day/Date Rolex where the day of the week dial just repeats Monday.

I’m sure you’re having thoughts about what kind of a guy loves Mondays so much… Let's see how much closer you are to loving Mondays after you read this.


The weekends are masquerading as (pretending to be) a much needed break from the week, but they are actually a marketing mechanism for over consumption and momentum sabotage.

The hardest part about starting something is… well…starting it. I don’t think there’s much to argue there.

So we build routines to get momentum, and we keep momentum by not breaking routines. Do you see it yet?

The fastest way to gain momentum is to develop a routine and stick to it.

The fast way to break momentum is to frequently disrupt your routine. [insert weekend]

Let’s do some weekend mental math:

There are 365 days in a year 

Thats 52 weeks 

Thats 52 weekends 

52 Saturdays

52 Sundays

52+52 = 104 weekend days

104 divided by 365 is 28.5% of the year 

That's just under 4 months.

I hope your only response is W T the F*CK!...

There are only two types of people who would agree to doing something like this:

  1. People who just don't give a shit about the possibilities of life 

  2. People who just didn’t know

There’s only one group of people who would have you subscribe to this junk

  1. The ones benefiting

Someone is definitely thinking something along the lines of, ”okay so what? You want me to be some Monday lover working 7 days a week like a robot off the Tesla assembly line until I rust up and end up in the scrap pile and get recycled into coke cans?!”

Kinda… but only the Monday lover part. Let me explain.

This letter is for two types of people:

  1. People with a business building their dream life 

  2. People thinking about starting a business to build their dream life

If I could impart some winning wisdom from my experience it’s this:

  1. Fuck weekends and holidays and time off 

  2. Turn the first 2-6 hours of every single day into Monday

That’s it. Now let's talk about number 2.


The idea is that if you treat the first 2-6 hours of every single day as a Monday - meaning you:

  • Wake up early 

  • Do ONLY ultra important needle moving work in those hours 

  • 7 days a week 

Then in a short amount of time let’s say around 12-24 months your entire life will resemble a person who most days of the week all feel and look like a Saturday.

Do I have your attention?

Here’s how my days look:

Big items for work will be specific to each of us but some of mine are (as of this writing):

  • Write 

  • Record videos

  • Learn or polish high income skill  

  • Build course 

This is right now, and changes depending on what I’m building.

“The work” will be things that only I can do that really launch me forward.

Now you don’t have to be up at 4am, that’s specific to me and I like it. I can take a mid-day siesta (a nap) at 12-1pm because I’ve been living my Monday Strategy for a long time. 

On real Saturdays or Sundays maybe 4am becomes 8am, these details are up to you. I try to keep it pretty consistent. I prefer it. I do the same things at the same times.

The point really is to curate your life in a way that serves you over the long term.

Weekends seem harmless because they aren't a person and they’ve been decorated with fun, but you would be wise to remember that weekends were created by someone for a reason.

I mean if you’re reading this and you’re the inventor of weekends, you’re likely not too impressed with me for exposing your fuckery, but hey man fuck you. (It’s Henry Ford gets the credit btw).


I figure someone is wondering,

“if I’m up at 4am for first Monday and then I have to go to my job for real Monday I'll be dead.”

You won’t be dead. 2 extra hours is the place to start. Work your way up, you don’t need more than 6.

If you can’t do it , it’s because you won’t do it. You’ll need to reflect on that.

The good news is once things get going you can just disappear on Tuesday for a night or two or three to the suites at the Shangri La, eating room service, swimming and hitting the sauna with your family ‘cause you felt like it.

Location: Shangri La

Weekends have been designed to rob you of your momentum, so that each week you start at ZERO and by the end of the week you’re drained.

Rich people stay rich for a reason. Because they don’t break their momentum.

Happy people stay happy for a reason. Because they don’t break their momentum.

Healthy people stay healthy for a reason. Because they don’t break their momentum.

The people who are not healthy, wealthy, or happy are this way because they have no momentum.


  • Question the things we typically don’t question. Like why weekends exist.

  • Curate your life in a way that suits YOU best. Do this with practice.

  • IF you’re not living your dream life, define what it looks like and use my Monday Strategy to work on it every day until you have momentum.

  • once you have your momentum, NEVER let it go.

I bet you’ll be a lover of Mondays just like me.

Till next week.

  • James