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- Raising your Vibrations for Success
Raising your Vibrations for Success
the non-hippy understanding of why it's important, and how to do it.

You don’t have to put a feather in your ass…
Raising your vibration is critical to your financial success and all other important areas of your life. By the end of this chat you’ll understand why and what you can do to stay in peak vibration on the daily.
We have all experienced the dreaded low vibrational state. The one where It’s nearly impossible to get out of bed so you hit the snooze button 6x and wake up feeling exhausted, your eyes are heavy all day long, your clarity is lost when just the other day you felt like you were in clear ocean waters, and now you’re in a muddy puddle with sand in your underwear (terrible). Have you ever had sand in your underwear?
Basically you’re cooked…UNLESS you have a plan. I’ll give you that plan, but first let me put you on some game.
Raising your vibration isn’t meant to be all this woo-woo shit you hear from people who look like they can barely afford to think, let alone give advice on it…
Here’s my take: I would rather work from a place of high vibration where things flow to me smoothly, over the place of low-vibration we just talked about.
And worth mentioning, I’ve trained myself to work from either place because I have dreams and ambitions that I WILL achieve regardless of my state (this is a taste of my internal dialogue)
**(more on rules for winning on bad days in a future post).
The point is, working from a low vibration state is like that nightmare we’ve all had where you’re running from some fuckhead (a low-vibration demon) at negative Mach 1 speed, while he’s ripping like a (insert something fast of your choice)…
What does a positive vibrational state feel like, and what can it produce?
Let’s start with feels Like:
Extreme clarity for your life
Confidence to tackle the days tasks like a complete savage
You borderline feel like a mad genius
Your energy is high
Hard things feel easy
You crush your main lever moving tasks first thing in the morning
A problem comes up, you almost instantaneously have the solution
You say “no” easily to all the things that don’t serve your higher self
its raining outside and you feel like the sun is shining
Workouts? CRUSHED
Daily reading? BANGED OUT
Deals? (My favorite) CLOSED
Congrats! You’re vibrating high.
More importantly is what being in a high-vibration state gets you:
more momentum in the direction you’re headed. It COMPOUNDS.
more “luck” because you’re making it
Do you want any of this? lol
The law of momentum states that:
in an isolated system (your body)
The total momentum of all objects (your thoughts and feelings) remains constant
MEANING THAT momentum is not created or destroyed, it is only transferred between objects (as in your thoughts and feelings are more positive or more negative).
Now think about this:
Newton’s Law of Motion loosely states that: a thing in motion remains in motion until a greater and opposite force acts upon it.
MEANING if you are in a low-vibration state you will keep your momentum in that direction UNTIL a greater positive force pushes your momentum in the opposite direction which is a high-vibration state through high-vibration ACTIONS.
Are you getting this?
If you’re in the negative low-vibration state you can BET more negative stuff is on its way to you now - you’ve experienced it.
And if you’re in a high-vibration state you can double down that more success and good vibes are on their way to you, and IF something shitty should pop-up you know you have the ability to crush the obstacle like wine grapes under your stinky toes.
The moral of this story is, managing your vibration should be your highest priority daily for the remainder of your life now that I have put it into your awareness, because it’s going to make it easier for you to succeed and live your dream life.
Here are the “… to do its…”
6 of them.
Back to back, your morning stack.
WHAT to do it (for consistency lol)
WHEN to do it
WHY to do it
HOW to do it
Bare Bones (beginner) - This is for the person who is just getting started. There are no excuses accepted around here. Let’s jump in and win:
WHAT - Hydrate (Infused Water)
WHEN - First thing in the morning
WHY - HIGHER VIBRATIONS, your body needs water, make it nutritious, make it delicious. We want each decision we make to have maximum benefit to us.
***note to self*** If you can’t make and drink a delicious water go look in the mirror and say, “I like shitting the bed,” 100x and then go do it.
Ingredients: lemon, filtered water, mineralized salts, raw honey, ginger.
WHAT - Stretch
WHEN - first thing in the morning (with your water)
WHY - HIGHER VIBRATIONS, blood circulation, warm the body up, how about bc it’s better than not doing it?
HOW - Let’s keep this one super simple as well. Go on YouTube search full body stretch videos. Girl, guy, guy, girl it doesn’t matter. Click a video do the work. Don’t scroll looking for the perfect video of someone you might like. NO. click a video do the video.
if you have pain in a specific area YouTube stretching videos for that area (remember maximum benefit from our decisions).
start with 3 minutes a day and work your way up to 5 minutes,15 minutes, 20 minutes per day.
WHAT - Exercise
WHEN - after your stretch
WHY - HIGHER VIBRATIONS, stronger body, more energy, better self image, self confidence, You don’t actually need me to explain why exercise is good for you :)
HOW - No gym or equipment? Youtube “body weight workouts at home.” Do it to the best of your ability. You will get better over time.
WHAT - Cold shower - don’t tell me you didn’t know this was coming…
WHEN - after your workout.
WHY - start the day with something hard you train your mind to conquer the rest of the day. You are the type of person who does hard things for the reward on the other side.
HOW - Luke warm shower, wash yourself, slap on the cold a little bit more each day until you max out the dial.
WHAT - High protein, whole food breakfast.
WHEN - after your workout.
WHY - feed the body after your activity.
HOW - you know how to eat you slyyyy dogggg.
Whole foods: organic whenever possible. IF not possible just whole foods. If you don’t know what whole food is, Chat GPT it, Google it, ask a fucking friend. Just like you know smoking crack cocaine is a bad idea, you should seriously know what whole food is (a message for those who don’t).
WHAT - Gratitude Practice (written or just sit quietly and follow the instructions).
WHEN - after breakfast.
WHY - how you begin your day greatly impacts how the rest of the day unfolds. Start intentionally appreciative for what you do have instead of that other thing you’ve been doing…
HOW - Gratitude Practice Journal / or just sit and think about things you are grateful for
This should take 3-10 minutes. This is how you do it:
Pull out your phone or a pen and paper
Write/type 3 things you’re grateful for (big or small). They should just be meaningful to you. Like the fact you just drank your infused water ;), or that you’re doing this gratitude practice.
Each thing you write take a few seconds and really soak in how proud/happy/appreciative you are about it.
move on to the next thing and repeat
Find different things each day.
HYDRATE (5 minutes)
STRETCH (3 -20 minutes)
EXERCISE (10 min- 1hour)
COLD SHOWER (5-60 seconds)
low end > 35 minutes
high end > 1HR 45MIN
If you want my hydration recipe and high-protein breakfasts I keep in rotation click here.
Make your frequency your highest priority for a week, and come back and share your successes with me by responding to this Newsletter edition.
If I was valuable to you, share this so you can be valuable to someone else.
Till then…