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- F*CK your Permission!
F*CK your Permission!
How I stopped playing small, took control of my life, and stepped into my true potential.

I spent years of my life living below my potential and playing small. Sad really because I was making other people successful… like millions of dollars successful…like millions of dollars per month successful as a direct result of my energy and effort.
The sad but brutally honest truth… I was looking for someone to believe in me because I didn’t believe enough in myself. I used one process to change my life, and that's what I’m going to share in this letter.
There’s nothing worse than watching other people get the credit and the rewards for your time and effort. But that's the world we live in if we don’t have the right skillsets and mindsets to take control of our lives. Some people spend all their lives living (if you want to call it living) from this circumstance. I shouldn’t even really refer to it as “a circumstance,” we should call it Your Circumstance.
I’m going to share exactly what I did to set my life on a new trajectory. One where I now live in a mansion, built a 1200 square foot commercial gym in the house, drive luxury cars, spend $1500 per night at 5 star hotels, create what I want, spend time with my family, and work to help other people succeed.
Now I’m not ultra rich (working on it), and I’m not saying this to brag either I’m well aware you don’t get the benefits of my success. The point is you can have your version of success by doing what I’m going to share. Getting online is new for me, success is not. Let’s get into it.
The big change I made?
I listened to what the voice in my head kept screaming at me to fix.
I wrote it all down.
I prioritized the list.
I crushed each item one by one in a very specific way
Let me show you what I did.
First, I did a massive, unforgiving brain dump. I wrote the truth for the first time in my life. I mean it was so harsh and exhausting that I went to sleep after I did it. Hopefully your shit ain’t that dark but if it is, enjoy the nap.
Note: once you open the flood gate to this, let it flow until it’s empty. It might be difficult to not hate yourself but REMEMBER it's not you that you hate, it's your habits and it’s okay to hate those if you’re ready to change them.
I had to go through the pain staking process of re-reading it all to prioritize the list of PAIN lol.
Theres a phenomenal book called The One Thing by Gary Keller, it’s one of my all time favourites. He poses a question that can be used to prioritize possible actions to take for maximum results in any area of your life. This is the question:

“What’s the one thing I can do, such that by doing it, everything else becomes easier or unnecessary?”
Ask the question
Figure out number one
Ask the question again
Figure out number two
Repeat until list is prioritized.
I decided that the top 3 things would be non-negotiables, and that I would work on them every single day until they became A HABIT regardless of:
If I was tired
If I didn’t feel like it
If I was having a bad day
If I was stressed
Especially if I felt like I was crushing it and “deserved a break”
Or whatever other fucking excuse my shitty monkey mind would give to get me to sabotage myself.
[definition] NON-NEGOTIABLE:
Just like I pee everyday, now “I non-negotiable” everyday.
No days off…
So now I have a prioritized list.
A plan for WHAT to work on.
Here is How to work the list.
Let’s say you have a list of 10 things prioritized.
You are going to focus on the top 3.
You are only going to start working on #1 and leave the rest alone for now.
There are two paths to take and both roads end at the same location:
you feeling proud of yourself and actually living your dream life because your actions are in alignment with who you believe you are.
You comin’?
you’ve really been a shithead with your habits and you’re not even sure if you can pull this off.
This is where I started.
I had a lot of doubt in myself because I had made so many choices that were out of alignment with who I believed I was inside of my mind (deep breath adlib).
Being on the other side now, just know that you can actually do this, you’ve just built up mental stories that say you can’t. They aren’t real.
I didn't want to wait until a Monday to start. I started now (in that moment). I put all my energy and effort into the first priority on that list for the next 2-4 weeks.
I created a very scaled-down version of something that I could do each day that was so small it was impossible not to achieve it.
Here is:
What you need to know
And an example of what embarrassingly easy looks like
Lets say that I wanted to exercise on a daily basis, here’s what I’d need to know:
Duration - an amount of time that’s embarrassingly small but will have benefit
Time - What same exact time each day will I exercise?
Frequency - how often will I do it?
Exercises I will do?
Contingencies - the off the plan, plan.
For example:
If I miss my workout, what time will I do it later? (This should not happen often)
If I’m too sore to workout what will I do?
It should look like this:
Exercise Plan Example
15 minutes a day
At 6am
7 days a week
YouTube search “full body workout, using bodyweight”
If I miss my 6am - I’ll do it at 7pm
If I’m too sore I will YouTube “guided stretching” video
tip for YouTube videos- DO NOT look for someone you like - just pick a video and do 15 minutes of it.
tip if this plan seems stupid simple - it is, sticking to it 7 days a week is going to be the hard part. Keep it simple.
We have a full plan to win,
and a plan if things get hairy.
After 2-4 weeks, when you feel like you have a groove, you can commit deeper to your first priority, and add your second list item into your day using the same process.
2-4 weeks later add your third.
Now you have motion. Momentum is a beautiful thing.
Slow and steady wins the race. You don’t want to move too fast, become discouraged and fall back into old habits. We are only moving forward now, even if it’s slowly.
You’re pretty decent with habits and doing things consistently, you just haven’t been working on the right things. Fair enough.
You’ll still need:
What do to
Contingencies - the off the plan, plan.
However being more advanced, the plan needs to match.
Top priority - allocate 1 -2 hours a day
2nd on list - 30-min to 1hours a day
3rd - allocate 30 minutes
For a really great AM STACK (a stack of habits in the morning) for health read my post with full instructions. Post.
The power of a plan.
Consistency is the key to success.
Consistency requires discipline.
Discipline requires clarity.
Clarity requires focused effort.
Focused effort comes from building a plan you believe in.
The power of a plan.
Building a plan allows you to stay in the present moment, avoiding the anxiety that builds up the farther you go into the future in your mind.
On good days The Plan acts as a reminder of the order of operations for the day.
On bad days the plan acts as your temporary brain so you don’t have to think from a negative mind state.
On path 2 - work it for 4-6 weeks before adding anything. If you still don’t feel like you’re in the groove check-in again with yourself every 2 weeks.
We want these things to become second nature, a part of your new identity.
By honouring the voice in your head, writing down the message of what it’s asking you to do, prioritizing those things into a list, and making a plan to execute against, you’re moving closer to the highest version of yourself. I believe the messages are coming from the future version of you.
Do you agree?
Listen to brain
Brain dump the pain
Prioritize the list
Make the action plan
Choose Path 1 or 2
Execute, Execute, Execute
You get what you want by helping people get what they want. If you found this letter helpful, share it with someone.
I’d also love to hear from you. If you have any questions or want to share your successes, just respond to this newsletter.
I wish you well.